Small Groups

Virtual, In Person, and Hybrid Small Groups: 

Some of our small groups are continuing to meet via Zoom, while others have returned to in person meetings. We can also offer hybrid meetings if some in your group would like to remain virtual and others would like to be in person.
If you would like to schedule a Zoom time or to join a small group, reach out to the contact person listed below or contact Annika McClintock at
If you would like to reserve a room for in person or virtual small groups, please contact Annika McClintock at (cc Jen Anderson |

Bible Study at Roseville

When: Wednesdays | 6 PM
Where: Roseville Campus in Asbury 1
Join anytime! Trouble reading and understanding the bible? Come and sift through the scriptures together. Find things for the first time or see things in a new light regardless of your background. We’ll use tools from Les Feldick Ministries.
Contact: Mark Meyer at

Lenten Bible Study at St. Anthony Park

When: Sundays | 9:30-10:30 AM before worship,
Where: St. Anthony Park Fellowship Hall downstairs
Each week we will dive deeper into the Scripture that will be used for the week’s sermon, learning through the apostle Peter’s faith journey. All are welcome to join the conversation for any or all the weeks as we explore our faith together.
Contact: Alan O’Donnell at

Discussion & Learning Group - Connectivity

This group loves to explore a variety of faith-related topics in a discussion-focused setting.
When: Sundays in-person in Asbury1 as well as on Zoom at 10:30 AM, after the Roseville church service.
Contact: Jim or Jan House |

Garden Team

We love to get our hands dirty so that new life can emerge! If you love to garden, spend a few hours with us digging, planting, watering, and tending to plants on the Centennial church campuses.
Contacts: Norm and Kathy Nelson at 651-633-0836  

Prayer Chain

Receives emails with prayer requests from congregation
Does not meet. Just email.
Contact: Annika McClintock |

Board Game Group

A time for adults/older youth to play games and have fun
When: Every other Monday at 7pm
Contact: Maureen Petersen |

Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (FLAMES)

We grow in faith through hands-on scripture lessons, service and social activities. From Wacky Olympics to puppetry, Psalms to communion, our activities reflect life for persons with cognitive and intellectual disabilities. See more about the Flames. Our Schedule.
When:  2nd Sundays in-person at 8:00am in Asbury 1 at the Roseville Campus
Contacts: Debby Newman | |  Pastor Jen Anderson |

Retired & Almost Retired Energetic Seniors (RARES)

We may be retired (or close), but there is still so much to do!
This group of energetic folks gathers once a month to eat a catered meal and enjoy a program together. The topics are educational, sometimes musical, and always informative and fun! Look for our yearly program brochure at the Connectivity Point reading rack.
When: 11:45am | 2nd Thursdays of the month | Oct - Dec, Feb - May
Cost: $11 if you'd like lunch

Virtual Bible Study

This is a great option for folks who are having a hard time leaving home and feeling disconnected from their church family.  Let us dive into Scripture together, hold each other in prayer, and experience life giving connection. f you are unfamiliar with zoom or need help setting up an account in order to participate, please reach out to Pastor Whitney at 
When: 1:30pm-2:30pm | Tuesdays
Zoom Access: [CLICK HERE]

Upcoming Small Group Events

Worship Calendar
Youth Events
Kids Events
Small Groups
Discover Centennial
Upcoming Special Events
Boards and Committees
Outside Groups
Parish Nurse Hours
Weddings, Funerals, & Baptisms