All Are Welcome...
We believe God welcomes all people. We value diversity and recognize the sacred worth of each person, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, economic means, marital status, education, or faith story.
With open hearts and minds, Centennial United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation.
With open hearts and minds, Centennial United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation.
"Why Centennial" 2024 General Conference Discussions:
Interested in what we talked during after-worship discussions over the past 4 weeks? Questions and answers on racial exclusion, LGBTQ+ exclusion and General Conference are available here. Printed copies are also available at both campuses. Contact: Deb Dietzman,
Feb. 18 - Methodist history with racial exclusion [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Feb. 25 - Methodist history with LGBTQ exclusion with Rev. Walter Lockhart [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Mar. 3 - General Conference 2024 with Becky Boland, Hamline UMC [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Mar. 10 - Personal "why" statements [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Interested in what we talked during after-worship discussions over the past 4 weeks? Questions and answers on racial exclusion, LGBTQ+ exclusion and General Conference are available here. Printed copies are also available at both campuses. Contact: Deb Dietzman,
Feb. 18 - Methodist history with racial exclusion [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Feb. 25 - Methodist history with LGBTQ exclusion with Rev. Walter Lockhart [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Mar. 3 - General Conference 2024 with Becky Boland, Hamline UMC [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Mar. 10 - Personal "why" statements [CLICK HERE for Handout]
Centennial Ministries Committees
Reconciling/Welcoming Ministries Team
The Reconciling/Welcoming Ministry Team works to make Centennial’s reconciling statement a reality. We offer that welcome through educational programs, symbols of inclusion inside and outside of our buildings, worship services, facility upgrades to make welcome persons with special challenges and advocacy on issues that make our communities more reconciling and welcoming.
Deb Dietzman (chair)
Marsha Linden (co-chair)
Deb Dietzman (chair)
Marsha Linden (co-chair)
Centennial for Racial Justice
Centennial for Racial Justice team believes that God’s Kingdom is a kingdom of justice, unity and strength, and that all people are made in the image of God. To love Christ is to be actively opposing all forms of racism (explicit, implicit, systemic and individual) in pursuit of reparation, reconciliation and meaningful justice.
The Flames are teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are in ministry with others at Centennial United Methodist Church in Roseville Minnesota. We have been growing in faith through worship, fellowship, service and classes for over ten years. See more about the Flames. Our Summer Schedule.
Debby Newman, Chair
Debby Newman, Chair
We all do it. When we enter a new space, we look for signs that we are in the right place. Whether it’s the OPEN sign on a storefront or a smile on the receptionist’s face, we look for signs of welcome.
Finding those signs of welcome at a church is equally important. Centennial takes hospitality seriously and has made significant investment in signage and facilities to make it easy and comfortable for visitors and regular attendees. But our LGBTQ+ siblings looking for a church home are not always certain of the welcome they will receive, especially if they are considering a United Methodist congregation right now. Media coverage of our denomination’s struggles with departing congregations and charges brought against clergy describe a place most would steer clear of.
Yet, again and again Centennial has affirmed that All Are Welcome here. In our reconciling statement, our racial justice covenant, our Strategic Plan, and current discussion of our core values runs the theme that all God’s children are loved and included.
It is in that spirit that we are bringing a symbol of inclusion and welcome to both of our campuses. Church Council has supported and the Centennial Foundation has funded the installation of a flagpole at Roseville and Saint Anthony Park for displaying the rainbow flag. We hope to have them in place for the June 11 worship service recognizing Pride Month.
May this be a sign of welcome for those seeking a church home and a statement of our commitment to being faithful and inclusive followers of Jesus Christ.
Finding those signs of welcome at a church is equally important. Centennial takes hospitality seriously and has made significant investment in signage and facilities to make it easy and comfortable for visitors and regular attendees. But our LGBTQ+ siblings looking for a church home are not always certain of the welcome they will receive, especially if they are considering a United Methodist congregation right now. Media coverage of our denomination’s struggles with departing congregations and charges brought against clergy describe a place most would steer clear of.
Yet, again and again Centennial has affirmed that All Are Welcome here. In our reconciling statement, our racial justice covenant, our Strategic Plan, and current discussion of our core values runs the theme that all God’s children are loved and included.
It is in that spirit that we are bringing a symbol of inclusion and welcome to both of our campuses. Church Council has supported and the Centennial Foundation has funded the installation of a flagpole at Roseville and Saint Anthony Park for displaying the rainbow flag. We hope to have them in place for the June 11 worship service recognizing Pride Month.
May this be a sign of welcome for those seeking a church home and a statement of our commitment to being faithful and inclusive followers of Jesus Christ.

Dismantling Racism Panel Discussions - The United Methodist Church has produced a series of Dismantling Racism webinars, moderated by Erin Hawkins, the former General Secretary of the General Commission on Religion and Race. Experts come together to talk about the history of racism and what the church can do--both as a body and as individual members--to move toward racial justice. For list of available webinars
UMC Discipleship Ministries has collected resources to help churches address the issues of racism, systemic oppression, violence and more.

Outfront Minnesota’s mission is to create a state where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment or discrimination
ACTION ALERT (February 14, 2023): Minnesota’s conversion “therapy” ban HF 16 and its Senate companion SF 23 have passed through committee and floor votes are anticipated any day. These bills prohibit “conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults…medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy…and the misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products.” Representative Athena Hollins and Senator Scott Dibble have authored the bills and OutFront Minnesota is a strong supporter. OutFront has been working with legislators and national organizations to ban conversion “therapy” in Minnesota since 2019. Now, legislators are looking to hear from their constituents regarding this legislation. You can help pass the ban by reaching out to your State Representative and Senator now.
ACTION ALERT (February 14, 2023): Minnesota’s conversion “therapy” ban HF 16 and its Senate companion SF 23 have passed through committee and floor votes are anticipated any day. These bills prohibit “conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults…medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy…and the misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products.” Representative Athena Hollins and Senator Scott Dibble have authored the bills and OutFront Minnesota is a strong supporter. OutFront has been working with legislators and national organizations to ban conversion “therapy” in Minnesota since 2019. Now, legislators are looking to hear from their constituents regarding this legislation. You can help pass the ban by reaching out to your State Representative and Senator now.

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Mental Health
Home The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

Mental Health Ministries is a web-based ecumenical organization. Interfaith Mental Health Ministries provides web-based resources to help erase the stigma of mental illness in faith communities. Their mission is to help faith communities be caring congregations for people living with a mental illness and those who love and care for them.
Pathways to Promise is an interfaith cooperative of faith groups which provides training, consultation and resources for faith groups who want to become supportive, caring communities for people with mental illnesses and their families.
Sunshine Behavioral Health - There is an absence of information regarding mental health and treatment options for the black community. Our goal is to spread education and awareness. Thanks so much for your time, the article is below for your review. Wishing you an abundance of health and positivity during this time.

Disability Ministries
Accessible Facilities
Roseville campus - The sanctuary, chapel, gathering spaces, rest rooms, office, and most education rooms are accessible. An elevator for access to the lower level. The sanctuary has a hearing assistance system.
Saint Anthony Park campus – The worship space is accessible by stair lift. An elevator is in the works.
Saint Anthony Park campus – The worship space is accessible by stair lift. An elevator is in the works.