Re-Imagining Church and Discipleship: Began January 15th, Wednesdays, 5:30-7pm, Roseville Campus Fellowship Hall. In this ministry series we will dream together and examine our expectations of church for self and the whole, creating new frameworks for discipleship and involvement in the life of the church.
[Registration and more information here]
Discover Centennial: Sunday, January 26th, 8:00am, Roseville Campus. If you’re new or newish to Centennial and want to learn more about who we are and what we do, then this gathering is for you! Join the Pastors and a few congregation members for informal conversation around membership & getting connected at Centennial. [Registration and more information here]
[Registration and more information here]
Discover Centennial: Sunday, January 26th, 8:00am, Roseville Campus. If you’re new or newish to Centennial and want to learn more about who we are and what we do, then this gathering is for you! Join the Pastors and a few congregation members for informal conversation around membership & getting connected at Centennial. [Registration and more information here]
Faithful Hospitality: We are actively seeking volunteers at both January host sites. Host sites will be Roseville Lutheran and St. Timothy Lutheran Church. More details can be found on the sign-up pages linked here:
Roseville Lutheran: Faithful Hospitality (Roseville Lutheran)
St. Timothy Lutheran Church: Faithful Hospitality (St. Tim's)
Volunteer at Simpson Shelter: The Compassion Team have begun a new ministry serving occasional dinners at the Simpson Shelter in Minneapolis. Our next dinner is Saturday, February 1 and we would like to recruit a team of about 8 volunteers. The location is Zion Lutheran Church, 128 W 33rd St. in Minneapolis. We need 1 or 2 who could arrive at the shelter around 5pm and help get our hot food in the ovens. The others could arrive at 6:30pm to set up. We’ll serve dinner at 7pm and be done with cleanup by around 8pm. Please contact Jay Coggins at or 651-308-1874 if you would like to participate in this ministry.
Meals on Wheels: Every third Tuesday from 11:00am-12:15pm. Help adults live independently in the community by delivering meals to their homes. Also serves as a wellness visit. Some of our regular drivers are not available to deliver meals in the winter so we are looking for additional volunteers to help out. Volunteers need to have a reliable form of transportation. Contact Rick Schultz | | 651-647-9381
55+ Driver Discount Program: Thursday, January 23rd, 12-4pm, Roseville Fellowship Hall. Driver Discount of 10% on your car insurance after completing the 4-hour course. Register by calling 1.888.234.1294 or online at
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager
Roseville Lutheran: Faithful Hospitality (Roseville Lutheran)
St. Timothy Lutheran Church: Faithful Hospitality (St. Tim's)
Volunteer at Simpson Shelter: The Compassion Team have begun a new ministry serving occasional dinners at the Simpson Shelter in Minneapolis. Our next dinner is Saturday, February 1 and we would like to recruit a team of about 8 volunteers. The location is Zion Lutheran Church, 128 W 33rd St. in Minneapolis. We need 1 or 2 who could arrive at the shelter around 5pm and help get our hot food in the ovens. The others could arrive at 6:30pm to set up. We’ll serve dinner at 7pm and be done with cleanup by around 8pm. Please contact Jay Coggins at or 651-308-1874 if you would like to participate in this ministry.
Meals on Wheels: Every third Tuesday from 11:00am-12:15pm. Help adults live independently in the community by delivering meals to their homes. Also serves as a wellness visit. Some of our regular drivers are not available to deliver meals in the winter so we are looking for additional volunteers to help out. Volunteers need to have a reliable form of transportation. Contact Rick Schultz | | 651-647-9381
55+ Driver Discount Program: Thursday, January 23rd, 12-4pm, Roseville Fellowship Hall. Driver Discount of 10% on your car insurance after completing the 4-hour course. Register by calling 1.888.234.1294 or online at
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager
Luke-Acts 2025: Bishop Lanette Plambeck invites you to take a bold and unifying step: read one chapter of Luke-Acts each week, joining with other United Methodists across the Dakotas and Minnesota area this year. Together, these 52 chapters form a seamless story of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection, and the Spirit’s work through the early church. Contact Pastor Jen if you’d like a bookmark with a checklist for each week/chapter.
65+ Survey: In 2025, we at Centennial want to provide amble opportunities for those in our congregation who are 65+ to find meaningful connection and spiritual nourishment. To focus our efforts, let us know what you would be most likely and excited to participate in. [FILL OUT SURVEY HERE]
New virtual midweek Bible study with Pastor Whitney: Tuesdays 1:30pm – 2:30 pm over zoom | Starting Tuesday January 21st, this is a great option for folks who are having a hard time leaving home and feeling disconnected from their church family. Let us dive into Scripture together, hold each other in prayer, and experience life giving connection. Let us know you’re interested here by filling out the RSVP [HERE]. If you are unfamiliar with zoom or need help setting up an account in order to participate, please reach out to Pastor Whitney at
Just Like Me VBS 2025: Join us from 5-8pm on Wednesday evenings, July 9 to August 6 for “Just Like Me: Digging in and growing deep”, Centennial UMC’s summer Vacation Bible. Over the course of these 5 Wednesdays, kids will be introduced to a cast of neighborhood Gardeners who will help them explore Biblical stories of people who were able to change things for the better. Kids will practice sharing what they have, finding their community, and using their voice for others. [REGISTER HERE]
65+ Survey: In 2025, we at Centennial want to provide amble opportunities for those in our congregation who are 65+ to find meaningful connection and spiritual nourishment. To focus our efforts, let us know what you would be most likely and excited to participate in. [FILL OUT SURVEY HERE]
New virtual midweek Bible study with Pastor Whitney: Tuesdays 1:30pm – 2:30 pm over zoom | Starting Tuesday January 21st, this is a great option for folks who are having a hard time leaving home and feeling disconnected from their church family. Let us dive into Scripture together, hold each other in prayer, and experience life giving connection. Let us know you’re interested here by filling out the RSVP [HERE]. If you are unfamiliar with zoom or need help setting up an account in order to participate, please reach out to Pastor Whitney at
Just Like Me VBS 2025: Join us from 5-8pm on Wednesday evenings, July 9 to August 6 for “Just Like Me: Digging in and growing deep”, Centennial UMC’s summer Vacation Bible. Over the course of these 5 Wednesdays, kids will be introduced to a cast of neighborhood Gardeners who will help them explore Biblical stories of people who were able to change things for the better. Kids will practice sharing what they have, finding their community, and using their voice for others. [REGISTER HERE]
Bible Study - Roseville Campus: Wednesdays, 6pm, Asbury 1. *no meeting November 27th. This fall we will be starting in the book of Romans. Contact Mark Meyer for more information:
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell,
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell,
Sacred Sites Tours: Tours are led by Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs (Mohican) and Kelly Sherman Conroy (Oglala Lakota). The tours offer an opportunity to learn about Minnesota history from a Native perspective through story-telling and experiencing the sites in silence / meditation / reflection.
MLK Afternoon of Service: Monday, January 20th, 1:30-3:30pm, Linden Court at the Roseville Campus. A day of service for all ages, putting together reusable grocery bags made from old t-shirts. Bring any T-Shirts in good condition to use.
UWF Books for a Buck: Sunday, January 19th, after worship at the Roseville campus. During Fellowship Coffee Time there will books on display for sale. It takes only $1 to purchase a book and have a great week of reading. Contact Janet Folsom 612.396.9654 or Fran Holmes 651.631.1866
MLK Afternoon of Service: Monday, January 20th, 1:30-3:30pm, Linden Court at the Roseville Campus. A day of service for all ages, putting together reusable grocery bags made from old t-shirts. Bring any T-Shirts in good condition to use.
UWF Books for a Buck: Sunday, January 19th, after worship at the Roseville campus. During Fellowship Coffee Time there will books on display for sale. It takes only $1 to purchase a book and have a great week of reading. Contact Janet Folsom 612.396.9654 or Fran Holmes 651.631.1866
Want to get involved? Contact: Monique Lindquist
Worship at Roseville Campus is at 9:00am | Worship at St. Anthony Park is at 10:30am
Preaching this week: Pastor Whitney Sheridan
Preaching this week: Pastor Whitney Sheridan
New Sermon Series: Revelation January 12th-February 2nd. The Book or Revelation is a mystery to so many of us. Spiritual warfare, cosmic upheaval, good vs. evil, judgement and fire- it is a book rife with drama that reaches all the senses. In this series we will explore the genre, historical context, and function of John of Patmos' work to better understand its impact on our lives today- and to maybe dispel any fear or assumptions folks might have about this sensational book in Scripture.
Human Relations Day: A special Sunday across our denomination, focused on fostering better relationships and supporting community and youth outreach. On the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, we take up a special offering to help bring his vision of a “beloved community” to life. Your gifts support important programs like Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation.
Star Words: As the Magi were led to Jesus by the guidance of a star, Star Words are spiritual focus words often distributed to congregations on Epiphany Sunday. These words are intended to inspire reflection, growth, and discernment throughout the year. [SIGN UP HERE] to receive prompts weekly for the year of 2025. If you did not receive a star word on January 5th and would like one email Pastor Jen |
or Pastor Whitney |
Human Relations Day: A special Sunday across our denomination, focused on fostering better relationships and supporting community and youth outreach. On the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, we take up a special offering to help bring his vision of a “beloved community” to life. Your gifts support important programs like Community Developers, United Methodist Voluntary Services, and Youth Offender Rehabilitation.
Star Words: As the Magi were led to Jesus by the guidance of a star, Star Words are spiritual focus words often distributed to congregations on Epiphany Sunday. These words are intended to inspire reflection, growth, and discernment throughout the year. [SIGN UP HERE] to receive prompts weekly for the year of 2025. If you did not receive a star word on January 5th and would like one email Pastor Jen |
or Pastor Whitney |
Compassion Team Hats and Mittens Collection
The Compassion Team would like to thank everyone who donated to the Hats and Mittens project this year. A total of 112 hats/ear bands, 66 pairs of mittens/gloves, 44 scarves, and 12 pairs of socks were donated to keep children in the community warm this winter. In addition, $499.82 was collected for the project. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Congregational Meeting: Sunday, January 26th, after church at both campuses. Join us after worship to hear more about the Leadership Board’s recent decision to pause immediate repair work on the roofs and begin to discern together how God is calling us to use our buildings in our communities.
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]