Centennial Congregational Listening/Discerning Session This Wednesday: Our next session will be Wednesday April 2nd, 6:00pm on zoom and in Asbury 1 for those who participate in Wednesday Night programming. You can find the zoom link on the news page or on the financial updates page of the website. If you came to the previous session or if you didn’t, please join us. Led by Rev. Dennis & Rev. Gail Alexander, we will gather and listen to one another about what could be and what dreams God has been stirring in you. The following session will be Thursday April 10th, 10:00am at White Bear Lake UMC.
Habitat for Humanity/Holy Hammers 2025 Project: This year’s project has been finalized, and volunteers can begin signing up for construction days. All signups are done on the Twin City Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Hub which is linked here. The project will run from April 21st-June 20th. Centennial has been asked to provide volunteers on the following days: May 15, 16, 19, June 9-11, 16-18, & 20. If you are unable to volunteer on our assigned day’s you can sign up for any day during the project. To help out with food service please contact Bonnie Bougie (bougiebj@hotmail.com) or Pat Torgrimson (pat.torgrimson@gmail.com) for more information.
Growing Through Loss: Mondays March 31st-May 12th, 6:45-9pm, Abiding Savior Lutheran Church. Growing Through Loss grief support series provides an opportunity for individuals to obtain information and support for a variety of loss and grief issues. Each session features a speaker with experience in dealing with grief followed by time for sharing in small groups. Centennial is a member of the Suburban Grief Support Coalition, which sponsors this event. Brochures at the connection point.
Compassion Team Food Drive Success!: Thank you to everyone who gave during the compassion teams annual food drive. Thanks to your generosity 174 pounds of food was delivered to the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf from Roseville Campus, 37 pounds of food from the St. Anthony Park Campus to Keystone Community Food shelf and an additional 37 pounds of food to the community. In addition to that $3,848 was collected and will be distributed to Ralph Reeder and Keystone Community Food shelves.
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | dodiewoodis@gmail.com with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager rjjdo123@comcast.net
Growing Through Loss: Mondays March 31st-May 12th, 6:45-9pm, Abiding Savior Lutheran Church. Growing Through Loss grief support series provides an opportunity for individuals to obtain information and support for a variety of loss and grief issues. Each session features a speaker with experience in dealing with grief followed by time for sharing in small groups. Centennial is a member of the Suburban Grief Support Coalition, which sponsors this event. Brochures at the connection point.
Compassion Team Food Drive Success!: Thank you to everyone who gave during the compassion teams annual food drive. Thanks to your generosity 174 pounds of food was delivered to the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf from Roseville Campus, 37 pounds of food from the St. Anthony Park Campus to Keystone Community Food shelf and an additional 37 pounds of food to the community. In addition to that $3,848 was collected and will be distributed to Ralph Reeder and Keystone Community Food shelves.
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | dodiewoodis@gmail.com with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager rjjdo123@comcast.net
Lenten Daily Devotionals: These can be picked up at connection point at Roseville or the front table at SAP.
Decolonizing Church: Reviving Discipleship Lenten Series: Participants will journey individually this season, referring to previously made recordings and a custom spiritual gifts tool that aligns with the framework and dreams of the congregation. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and renewal, each will explore how to engage with this new direct pipeline from their gifts to an area of ministry within Centennial and discern their commitment to engagement. The first three sessions are linked on the Reviving Discipleship Page.
RARES: Thursday, April 10th, 2pm, Roseville Linden Lounge. Laugh for Life Ventriloquist Kevin Doely uses a blend of comedy, storytelling, music, and audience participation to entertain us along with special guests Johnny Cash and Elvis! Sign up at the connect center.
Youth Group: Wednesday, April 2nd, 7-8pm, Roseville Campus Youth Room. Join us for game night!
Just Like Me VBS 2025: Join us from 5-8pm on Wednesday evenings, July 9 to August 6 for “Just Like Me: Digging in and growing deep”, Centennial UMC’s summer Vacation Bible. Over the course of these 5 Wednesdays, kids will be introduced to a cast of neighborhood Gardeners who will help them explore Biblical stories of people who were able to change things for the better. Kids will practice sharing what they have, finding their community, and using their voice for others. [REGISTER HERE]
Decolonizing Church: Reviving Discipleship Lenten Series: Participants will journey individually this season, referring to previously made recordings and a custom spiritual gifts tool that aligns with the framework and dreams of the congregation. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and renewal, each will explore how to engage with this new direct pipeline from their gifts to an area of ministry within Centennial and discern their commitment to engagement. The first three sessions are linked on the Reviving Discipleship Page.
RARES: Thursday, April 10th, 2pm, Roseville Linden Lounge. Laugh for Life Ventriloquist Kevin Doely uses a blend of comedy, storytelling, music, and audience participation to entertain us along with special guests Johnny Cash and Elvis! Sign up at the connect center.
Youth Group: Wednesday, April 2nd, 7-8pm, Roseville Campus Youth Room. Join us for game night!
Just Like Me VBS 2025: Join us from 5-8pm on Wednesday evenings, July 9 to August 6 for “Just Like Me: Digging in and growing deep”, Centennial UMC’s summer Vacation Bible. Over the course of these 5 Wednesdays, kids will be introduced to a cast of neighborhood Gardeners who will help them explore Biblical stories of people who were able to change things for the better. Kids will practice sharing what they have, finding their community, and using their voice for others. [REGISTER HERE]
Bible Study - Roseville Campus: Wednesdays, 6pm, Asbury 1. *no meeting November 27th. This fall we will be starting in the book of Romans. Contact Mark Meyer for more information: m1meyer@protonmail.com
Bible Study - Virtual: Tuesdays, 1:30pm, zoom. This is a great option for folks who are having a hard time leaving home and feeling disconnected from their church family. Let us dive into Scripture together, hold each other in prayer, and experience life giving connection. Contact Pastor Whitney Sheridan for more information: wsheridan@centennialumc.org
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell, arodonnell@hotmail.com.
Bible Study - Virtual: Tuesdays, 1:30pm, zoom. This is a great option for folks who are having a hard time leaving home and feeling disconnected from their church family. Let us dive into Scripture together, hold each other in prayer, and experience life giving connection. Contact Pastor Whitney Sheridan for more information: wsheridan@centennialumc.org
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell, arodonnell@hotmail.com.
Event Planning Opportunity!: Are you interested in opportunities to make real positive impact in our communities and foster meaningful connections? Both Miracle Moments and Ignite Your Heart are looking for passionate individuals to help plan and organize their respective events. Both ministries foster more connected, compassionate and just communities. Please contact Raquel Maas of Miracle Moments at raquelmchurch@gmail.com or Pamela Isham of Ignite Your Heart at pdisham@gmail.com It’s an overwhelming time; we are stronger together.
Ignite Your Heart is in its 3rd year of ministry at Centennial: Mark your calendars as members of the Advisory Board will give an update during the service and a short presentation immediately following the April 6th service at SAP and May 4th service at Roseville. We hope you are able to stay for thoughtful conversations. Learn how St. Paul Public Schools and the University of St. Thomas are working together creatively to improve outcomes for St. Paul students and how you can support teachers in training.
All Invited MN Reconciling Congregations’ Annual Spring Gathering: Saturday, April 5th, 11:30am-2:30pm, Eden Prairie UMC. This is an opportunity to gather with other Reconciling United Methodists to share lunch (bring a dish to share) and hear a program presented by Rev. Carol Zaagsma and Becky Boland. They will provide information about Regionalization and other Constitutional Amendments coming before the Annual Conference in June and about next steps to take toward inclusiveness. Questions? Contact Nan Carlson at nancarlson5@gmail.com.
Ignite Your Heart is in its 3rd year of ministry at Centennial: Mark your calendars as members of the Advisory Board will give an update during the service and a short presentation immediately following the April 6th service at SAP and May 4th service at Roseville. We hope you are able to stay for thoughtful conversations. Learn how St. Paul Public Schools and the University of St. Thomas are working together creatively to improve outcomes for St. Paul students and how you can support teachers in training.
All Invited MN Reconciling Congregations’ Annual Spring Gathering: Saturday, April 5th, 11:30am-2:30pm, Eden Prairie UMC. This is an opportunity to gather with other Reconciling United Methodists to share lunch (bring a dish to share) and hear a program presented by Rev. Carol Zaagsma and Becky Boland. They will provide information about Regionalization and other Constitutional Amendments coming before the Annual Conference in June and about next steps to take toward inclusiveness. Questions? Contact Nan Carlson at nancarlson5@gmail.com.
Want to get involved? Contact: Monique Lindquist moniquelindquist@gmail.com
Worship at Roseville Campus is at 9:00am | Worship at St. Anthony Park is at 10:30am
No Sermon This Week
No Sermon This Week

Current Worship Series - Everything In Between: Ash Wednesday (March 5th) - Easter Sunday (April 20th). This series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. Each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity. We find that these dichotomies are false. We might begin to see a full spectrum instead of black and white. We might find that God is present in between.
5th Sunday Service Project: When we have a 5th Sunday of the month, we will be having a shortened worship service followed by a time for folks to engage in a hands-on service project. On Sunday, March 30th we will be working on a project for Emma Norton. We will be making fleece tie blankets to help them celebrate the 1-year anniversary of their Restoring Waters building that’s coming up in April. We will be providing fleece blanket materials, but if anyone has fabric scissors, they would like to bring that would be super helpful. This will occur at both campuses.
UMCOR Sunday: Your offering enables the United Methodist Commitee of Relief to reach out and ease pain and suffering by providing humanitarian aid after disasters. This offering covers administrative expenses so that 100% of donations give to particular UMCOR projects and appeals can go directly to them. Please designate UMCOR on the memo line of your offering or choose the UMCOR drop down if you give online.
Star Words: As the Magi were led to Jesus by the guidance of a star, Star Words are spiritual focus words often distributed to congregations on Epiphany Sunday. These words are intended to inspire reflection, growth, and discernment throughout the year. [SIGN UP HERE] to receive prompts weekly for the year of 2025. If you did not receive a star word on January 5th and would like one email Pastor Jen | janderson@centennialumc.org
or Pastor Whitney | wsheridan@centennialumc.org
5th Sunday Service Project: When we have a 5th Sunday of the month, we will be having a shortened worship service followed by a time for folks to engage in a hands-on service project. On Sunday, March 30th we will be working on a project for Emma Norton. We will be making fleece tie blankets to help them celebrate the 1-year anniversary of their Restoring Waters building that’s coming up in April. We will be providing fleece blanket materials, but if anyone has fabric scissors, they would like to bring that would be super helpful. This will occur at both campuses.
UMCOR Sunday: Your offering enables the United Methodist Commitee of Relief to reach out and ease pain and suffering by providing humanitarian aid after disasters. This offering covers administrative expenses so that 100% of donations give to particular UMCOR projects and appeals can go directly to them. Please designate UMCOR on the memo line of your offering or choose the UMCOR drop down if you give online.
Star Words: As the Magi were led to Jesus by the guidance of a star, Star Words are spiritual focus words often distributed to congregations on Epiphany Sunday. These words are intended to inspire reflection, growth, and discernment throughout the year. [SIGN UP HERE] to receive prompts weekly for the year of 2025. If you did not receive a star word on January 5th and would like one email Pastor Jen | janderson@centennialumc.org
or Pastor Whitney | wsheridan@centennialumc.org
easter/Holy Week Information

Easter Celebration: We’re looking for 30-35 volunteers to help pull off a Community Easter Celebration at the Roseville campus, Saturday April 19th. Event is scheduled from 2-4pm, some volunteer shifts may start earlier or end later. Sign up at either campus or HERE. Feel free to also grab community posters and handouts to share with your community! These can be found at the connect center at Roseville and at the front table at St. Anthony Park.
Easter Offering 2025: At Easter, Centennial collects a special offering to serve our wider community. This year, donations will go to two organizations. Holy Hammers is a coalition of churches working in partnership with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity for more than 20 years. Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul, a nonprofit of faith and spiritual communities, relieves poverty and its root causes in the east metro. Centennial members are active in both organizations. For more details, Contact: Anita Mayfield, k.anita.mayfield@gmail.com, Holy Hammers - https://www.tchabitat.org/

Financial Updates Page on Website: During this time of our congregational discerning/listening sessions we know it can be hard to remember all the information we have given you in the past. Please refer to the “Financial Updates” page on our website (click the “About” drop down menu to find) where you can locate all the congregational emails regarding the roof projects and financials, FAQ’s about the roof, recaps of past congregational meetings, the discernment session schedule, and future information as it comes out. This is the best place to refer to if you have a question or concern, because it might have already been answered.
No Community Meal: We will not be hosting a community meal on Wednesday nights until May 7th.
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]
No Community Meal: We will not be hosting a community meal on Wednesday nights until May 7th.
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]