Welcome Sunday - St. Anthony Park Campus - September 15th: Come for energetic worship and stay after for a community potluck. Bring something to share!
Discover Centennial: Sunday, September 22nd, 11:45am. Want to learn more about Centennial? Considering membership? Join us for lunch & conversation at an area restaurant following worship at SAP. Make sure to register [HERE]
Reviving Discipleship: Wednesdays, 5:30-7pm, starting Oct 9th. Getting connected and growing in faith looks different than it used to in decades past. Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown will be leading our congregation in dissecting societal norms and expectations of church that have been passed down but perhaps no longer fit today’s reality. More information to come!
Discover Centennial: Sunday, September 22nd, 11:45am. Want to learn more about Centennial? Considering membership? Join us for lunch & conversation at an area restaurant following worship at SAP. Make sure to register [HERE]
Reviving Discipleship: Wednesdays, 5:30-7pm, starting Oct 9th. Getting connected and growing in faith looks different than it used to in decades past. Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown will be leading our congregation in dissecting societal norms and expectations of church that have been passed down but perhaps no longer fit today’s reality. More information to come!
Kids In Need Thank You!: The Compassion Team would like to thank all who contributed to the CUMC July “Kids In Need” School Supply Drive. This year we collected $1,260 to support an organization that is committed to creating equitable learning environments for teachers and students in under-resourced communities. Thank You! Any questions please contact Marsha Linden.
Interfaith Action Bringing Faith to Life Breakfast: Tuesday, October 29th, 8:00am-9:30am, Roseville Campus Fellowship Hall. Great news! This year Centennial is hosting Interfaith Action’s Bringing Faith to Life Fundraising Breakfast! By attending you will learn more about Interfaith Action’s programs to provide opportunity for our neighbors and how you can support them by making a financial donation and volunteering in it’s programs. The event is free, but you must register by October 16th, [REGISTER HERE] Questions can be directed to Betty Gumbrell | 651.343.5596 or
UWF - Alley Shoppe Collection: Saturday and Sunday, October 12th & 13th, 8:30am-10:30am, Roseville Campus parking lot. Requested donations of new/slightly used clean warm winter clothing for all ages, household items for kitchen, & bedding/linens. Bags labeled is appreciated as Alley Shoppe depends on ALL volunteers makes for more efficient distribution. Drive to our south parking lot & drop off. Alley Shoppe is a free closet serving the east side of St Paul since the 1970’s. Contact Pauline Richards | 651.324.4655
Growing Through Loss Series: Thursdays, September 5th-October 10th, 6:45-9pm at Nativity Lutheran Church. Anyone experiencing grief or loss is invited to attend this 6- week series providing support for those who have lost a spouse, child, parent or those dealing with divorce, job change, or relocation. Each session is complete in itself-attend one or all. Each session begins with a professional speaker, followed by small group gatherings. No fee though donations are welcome. For more information visit or call 763.755.5335. Brochures available at the Welcome Center.
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager
Interfaith Action Bringing Faith to Life Breakfast: Tuesday, October 29th, 8:00am-9:30am, Roseville Campus Fellowship Hall. Great news! This year Centennial is hosting Interfaith Action’s Bringing Faith to Life Fundraising Breakfast! By attending you will learn more about Interfaith Action’s programs to provide opportunity for our neighbors and how you can support them by making a financial donation and volunteering in it’s programs. The event is free, but you must register by October 16th, [REGISTER HERE] Questions can be directed to Betty Gumbrell | 651.343.5596 or
UWF - Alley Shoppe Collection: Saturday and Sunday, October 12th & 13th, 8:30am-10:30am, Roseville Campus parking lot. Requested donations of new/slightly used clean warm winter clothing for all ages, household items for kitchen, & bedding/linens. Bags labeled is appreciated as Alley Shoppe depends on ALL volunteers makes for more efficient distribution. Drive to our south parking lot & drop off. Alley Shoppe is a free closet serving the east side of St Paul since the 1970’s. Contact Pauline Richards | 651.324.4655
Growing Through Loss Series: Thursdays, September 5th-October 10th, 6:45-9pm at Nativity Lutheran Church. Anyone experiencing grief or loss is invited to attend this 6- week series providing support for those who have lost a spouse, child, parent or those dealing with divorce, job change, or relocation. Each session is complete in itself-attend one or all. Each session begins with a professional speaker, followed by small group gatherings. No fee though donations are welcome. For more information visit or call 763.755.5335. Brochures available at the Welcome Center.
Coffee Hour Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for the Sunday Coffee Hour at the Roseville Campus. [CLICK HERE] for easy online sign-up . If the link is not for you, please sign up on the paper form at the Roseville sign-up center or email Dodie | with the Sunday(s) you are available.
Office Volunteer Sign-up: Can you help us cover the Roseville front office desk? Volunteers will be answering phones and helping with light office work as needed (details and instructions provided). [CLICK HERE] to sign up!
Want to get involved? Contact: Randy Oelschlager
Connectivity Welcome Back!: Begins September 15th, 10:30am, Roseville Campus. We will be making plans for the coming year. Please think about the following: (1) Please invite anyone who might like to join Connectivity? (2) What is important to keep doing in Connectivity in this coming year? If questions about Connectivity, contact Max and Marilyn DeLong: OR Jim and Jan House:
United Women in Faith - Circle Meetings: Circle meetings are starting up, come join one! If you have questions please contact the chairs, each group meets in the Linden Lounge at the Roseville Campus.
Sarah Circle - Tuesday, September 17th, 9:30am, Chair: Mim Heggerston | 763.528.3689.
Martha-Mary Circle - Thursday, September 19th, 1:30pm, Chair Nancy Jacob | 651.238.7119.
Ruth Circle - Thursday, September 26th, 7:00pm, Chair: Diane Anderson | 651.398.5904.
CUMC Caregivers Group: Sunday, September 29th, 11:45am, SAP Fellowship Hall. All caregivers welcome! Sharing the struggles we face makes us stronger and more resilient. It’s a part of self care and critical to our well being. It’s okay to admit that taking care of our loved ones is hard. Please join us for lunch and conversation as we help each other on our caregiving journeys. Nancy Warner | 651-270-7792
Flames Ministry Schedule: April - August | The Flames invite you to know God together in worship, fellowship and service. We meet 2nd Sundays for class and worship (with ASL) at Roseville. Flames welcome teens and adults with disabilities and other life challenges. [CLICK HERE] to view our schedule for spring and summer activities. Contact: Debby Newman |
Bible Study - Roseville Campus: Wednesdays starting September 11th, 6pm, Asbury 1. This fall we will be starting in the book of Romans. Contact Mark Meyer for more information:
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell,
United Women in Faith - Circle Meetings: Circle meetings are starting up, come join one! If you have questions please contact the chairs, each group meets in the Linden Lounge at the Roseville Campus.
Sarah Circle - Tuesday, September 17th, 9:30am, Chair: Mim Heggerston | 763.528.3689.
Martha-Mary Circle - Thursday, September 19th, 1:30pm, Chair Nancy Jacob | 651.238.7119.
Ruth Circle - Thursday, September 26th, 7:00pm, Chair: Diane Anderson | 651.398.5904.
CUMC Caregivers Group: Sunday, September 29th, 11:45am, SAP Fellowship Hall. All caregivers welcome! Sharing the struggles we face makes us stronger and more resilient. It’s a part of self care and critical to our well being. It’s okay to admit that taking care of our loved ones is hard. Please join us for lunch and conversation as we help each other on our caregiving journeys. Nancy Warner | 651-270-7792
Flames Ministry Schedule: April - August | The Flames invite you to know God together in worship, fellowship and service. We meet 2nd Sundays for class and worship (with ASL) at Roseville. Flames welcome teens and adults with disabilities and other life challenges. [CLICK HERE] to view our schedule for spring and summer activities. Contact: Debby Newman |
Bible Study - Roseville Campus: Wednesdays starting September 11th, 6pm, Asbury 1. This fall we will be starting in the book of Romans. Contact Mark Meyer for more information:
Bible Study at St. Anthony Park: Sundays 9:30am before worship, in the fellowship hall downstairs. | St. Anthony Park campus | Questions contact Alan O'Donnell,
MN Wrongfully Convicted Judicial Reform Joining for Worship: Marvina Hayes of MN Wrongfully Convicted Judicial Reform will be joining us for worship at the Roseville campus on September 15th and at the St. Anthony Park campus on September 22nd. we partner with MN Wrongfully Convicted Judicial Reform for Miracle Moments with Santa event that will occur in December. Join us to learn about Marvina's work with MN Wrongfully Convicted Judicial Reform.
Join the Miracle Moments with Santa Planning Team!: If you are interested in being part of our Miracle Moments Planning Team, please sign up here. We are looking for folks to take on small roles that require a little planning ahead. Karensa will be available to support these roles in any way she can. Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis. Contact Karensa via text or voicemail at 651 270 3738.
UWF’s Shred Right Event: Saturday, October 12th, 8:30am-10:30am, Roseville Campus. UWF will host a drive-thru paper shredding event in the church parking lot to securely shred your documents! Donations support missions that empower women & support families in marginalized communities. And, every paper shredded is a step towards a cleaner, healthier Earth for all. Suggested donation is $10 a grocery bag or $20 a bankers box. Donations support Emma Norton Service and UWF missions.
Join the Miracle Moments with Santa Planning Team!: If you are interested in being part of our Miracle Moments Planning Team, please sign up here. We are looking for folks to take on small roles that require a little planning ahead. Karensa will be available to support these roles in any way she can. Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis. Contact Karensa via text or voicemail at 651 270 3738.
UWF’s Shred Right Event: Saturday, October 12th, 8:30am-10:30am, Roseville Campus. UWF will host a drive-thru paper shredding event in the church parking lot to securely shred your documents! Donations support missions that empower women & support families in marginalized communities. And, every paper shredded is a step towards a cleaner, healthier Earth for all. Suggested donation is $10 a grocery bag or $20 a bankers box. Donations support Emma Norton Service and UWF missions.
Want to get involved? Contact: Monique Lindquist
Worship at Roseville Campus is at 9:00am | Worship at St. Anthony Park is at 10:30am
Preaching this week: Pastor Whitney Sheridan
Preaching this week: Pastor Whitney Sheridan
New Sermon Series: Ready Set Grow - September 15th- October 6th
How do you want to grow in your faith this year? The founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley, believed that a life of faith requires a balance of piety and mercy, inward and outward. We always have room to grow! This series will highlight the ministries at Centennial and the opportunities to engage. Linking these opportunities with the Wesleyan way of discipleship, our inward and outward journeys, and a challenge to grow in at least one of the areas of ministry that perhaps we are most unfamiliar or engaged with.
How do you want to grow in your faith this year? The founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley, believed that a life of faith requires a balance of piety and mercy, inward and outward. We always have room to grow! This series will highlight the ministries at Centennial and the opportunities to engage. Linking these opportunities with the Wesleyan way of discipleship, our inward and outward journeys, and a challenge to grow in at least one of the areas of ministry that perhaps we are most unfamiliar or engaged with.
New Members!: On Sunday September 8th, we welcomed five new members to Centennial at our Welcome Sunday in Roseville!
Picnic Church
Introducing Centennial’s new Organist/Accompanist: Trevor Wolter! Trevor's first day was September 3rd and his first day leading us in worship is September 8th! Make sure to welcome Trevor warmly to Centennial. You can reach Trevor at
Leadership Board Listening: Sunday, September 22nd, 10:00am (after worship), Roseville Campus. Join members of the leadership board to have conversation about Centennial.
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]
Books -Books-Books!: Sunday, September 15th, 10am (fellowship time), Linden Court at the Roseville Campus. UW inFaith Books for a buck will be displayed for sale. Pick up one or more for $1 each. We are again acccepting donations of books. Contact Jean Malzer | 651.644.4482 or Janet Folsom | 612.396.9654
Leadership Board Listening: Sunday, September 22nd, 10:00am (after worship), Roseville Campus. Join members of the leadership board to have conversation about Centennial.
Download the Centennial App!: A new way to connect with groups, find events, watch past worship services, and give all in once place. Look up Centennial UMC in the apple or android app store! [CLICK HERE]
Books -Books-Books!: Sunday, September 15th, 10am (fellowship time), Linden Court at the Roseville Campus. UW inFaith Books for a buck will be displayed for sale. Pick up one or more for $1 each. We are again acccepting donations of books. Contact Jean Malzer | 651.644.4482 or Janet Folsom | 612.396.9654