Together for joy
In our annual stewardship series, we will be casting a vision for all that we can do and all that we can accomplish when we come together as one faith community. Responding to the challenges that face our faith community with enthusiasm, wonder, and commitment to growing in love of God and neighbor, let us envision the future at Centennial UMC together. And may it be a joyful future!
Together for Joy Timeline
November 4th: Pledge Cards will be available!
November 10th: Steve Torgrimson @ RV, Todd Ballen @ SAP.
November 17th: Guest speaker Laurie Resch @ RV, Guest Speaker Bob Mulligan @ SAP
Sunday November 24th (Giving Sunday): Reception after worship with treats!
Together for Joy testimonies
Hear from Centennial members as they share a story of how they have experienced joy in ministry!
"I give because it is part of my promise when I joined the Methodist church when I was confirmed. I promised to support the church with my presence, my service and my gifts. To me that meant attending regularly, helping often, and giving part of the baby sitting money that I earned to church. As I earned more and I felt I had covered my personal needs and had some savings, a part of that was my responsibility to help support the church. To help pay a salary to people who pay for heat, water, cleaning, and pastoral service. It is recommended we give ten percent of our earnings to the church if we are able. I am a senior citizen and church has become home to me. I look forward to the beautiful music that lifts my spirit each week to hear the message that helps me remember to help take care of others, to give to the needy, and love my neighbor. I thank God for the blessings in my life and all the good friends I have made during my long life."
Jean Schendel
Centennial Member
Jean Schendel
Centennial Member
"I have been a member of Centennial UMC since the spring of 1978, and during that time there are several JOYS that especially stand out for me. In my ministry serving as a choir member those 46 1/2 years has been without a doubt the highlight of the joy I’ve received in return for the time I’ve given. Being a part of a “family” singing praises to the Lord has been very rewarding.
The friendships and fellowship I also received from the years the TNT’S (“Twenty And Thereafter Singles”) group were active during the late 1970’s to mid 1980’s, created close friendships that still exist with a number of current and former Centennial members.
I have also found great joy in being able to help support the church financially, as my parents instilled in me as a youth and did joyfully with their limited income, with my being blessed with adequate income to share to the glory of God."
Tom Barber
Centennial Member
The friendships and fellowship I also received from the years the TNT’S (“Twenty And Thereafter Singles”) group were active during the late 1970’s to mid 1980’s, created close friendships that still exist with a number of current and former Centennial members.
I have also found great joy in being able to help support the church financially, as my parents instilled in me as a youth and did joyfully with their limited income, with my being blessed with adequate income to share to the glory of God."
Tom Barber
Centennial Member

"One of the things that drew me to United Methodism over 15 years ago was the denomination's emphasis on putting faith into action. In my experience with church in the denomination I grew up in, the focus was more inward, and while I think that is also important, doing tangible things to demonstrate my faith really struck a chord with me. And helping my community has always brought me joy.
I’m a runner, and earlier this year I started volunteering as a run mentor for Mile In My Shoes. MiMS is a weekly running group where I get to go for a run with people who are in an addiction recovery program and/or are transitioning out of incarceration. I’ve gotten to meet quite a few people, and I have gotten to know a couple of them quite well.
One of the things I keep coming back to is that there is very little difference between us. We’ve all got hopes and dreams, things we enjoy and dislike, accomplishments and disappointments, people we love and who love us - it's just that one of us struggles with addiction.
I find that’s it’s easy to create barriers between "us" and "them" and to keep people that are “different” from me at a distance. This experience has reminded me that people are people, God loves us all equally, and that using my time and talents to lift people up helps make my community a stronger, more united, and more loving place."
Ross Droogsma
Centennial Member
I’m a runner, and earlier this year I started volunteering as a run mentor for Mile In My Shoes. MiMS is a weekly running group where I get to go for a run with people who are in an addiction recovery program and/or are transitioning out of incarceration. I’ve gotten to meet quite a few people, and I have gotten to know a couple of them quite well.
One of the things I keep coming back to is that there is very little difference between us. We’ve all got hopes and dreams, things we enjoy and dislike, accomplishments and disappointments, people we love and who love us - it's just that one of us struggles with addiction.
I find that’s it’s easy to create barriers between "us" and "them" and to keep people that are “different” from me at a distance. This experience has reminded me that people are people, God loves us all equally, and that using my time and talents to lift people up helps make my community a stronger, more united, and more loving place."
Ross Droogsma
Centennial Member
Contributing at Centennial
Through Time
Centennial has so many amazing volunteers and we are always looking to expand our volunteer family! Keep your eye out for volunteer opportunities in the Centennial News!
Through Monetary Gifts
We acknowledge that church and money live in a historic tension: Following Jesus means that money is not the driving force in our lives. And for churches to create loving and just communities these days, some money is needed. So we live in that tension at Centennial, and we seek to trust that a generous life is a meaningful one. We also believe that generous giving includes sharing our time, talents, prayers, and presence with one another and with the world.
More details on different giving methods.
More details on different giving methods.
Through Leadership
Leadership is super vital in the success of our Church. Keep your eye out for leadership opportunities in your Centennial New or connect with a pastor .
We envision a place where:
Our children, youth, and adults receive exceptional Christian education.
We would love to hire a full-time youth and ministry coordinator for Centennial to help our youth ministry flourish and to inspire and teach a new generation of Christians.
Our staff is compensated equitably for their incredible work.
Rising utility costs and the ongoing demand for more from our staff and volunteers have created challenged we can no longer overlook. For far too long, we have asked our ministry teams to stretch their budgets, deferred updates, and maintenance for our two church buildings, and we have asked our staff to continue their dedicated work with minimal (if any) cost-of-living increases.
Our church buildings - our most significant assets - are cared for and utilized to their fullest potential in service to our neighbors.
This year, we reached a tipping point, resulting in difficult staff cuts that continue to stress our church family. In trying to utilize the Roseville Campus building for community ministry and service, we received feedback from the city that updates such as a sprinkler system will need to be installed. And we were hit with an exponential increase in our insurance costs due to Church Mutual dropping our insurance, with open claims, along with several other metro area churches.
Giving Charts
Giving charts can be a helpful way to create a giving goal for the upcoming year.

Various ways to give Monetary gifts
Subsplash Giving
This is giving through our online portal that is connected to the website. You can designate how much you would like to give and to which fund. This is also a place you can set up recurring giving. [CLICK HERE]
IRA - Required Minimum Distribution
You can consult with your tax/financial advisors to explore potential tax advantages of donating appreciated stock, contributing IRA Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), or establishing a Donor-Advised fund; contact Greg Wagner for more information on donating stock through Centennial’s UBS Brokerage.
Paper Checks/Cash
Paper checks or cash can be mailed to the church or dropped in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Please make checks out to Centennial UMC.
Donor Advised Giving
You can consult with your tax/financial advisors to explore potential tax advantages of donating appreciated stock, contributing IRA Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), or establishing a Donor-Advised fund; contact Greg Wagner for more information on donating stock through Centennial’s UBS Brokerage.
You can consult with your tax/financial advisors to explore potential tax advantages of donating appreciated stock, contributing IRA Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), or establishing a Donor-Advised fund; contact Greg Wagner for more information on donating stock through Centennial’s UBS Brokerage.
Please contact Greg Wagner (; ph 651/ 633-7644 ext. 326) with any questions.
Pledge Cards
You can find a digital version linked here or there are paper copies at both campuses. Pledgers and Givers from 2024 are able to pick up a stewardship letter at the campus they worship at which will have a pledge card inside, if your letter is not picked up by November 10th we will mail it to you.