Responding for Racial Justice

Centennial is a part of the Racial Reconciling Movement in The United Methodist Church. The Racial Reconciling Covenant was approved at Centennial’s All-Church Conference on June 15, 2021 by a vote of 56 yes, 7 no, and 2 abstaining. You can read the Covenant, as before, below. The Covenant builds upon both our official church mission statement, approved in 2010, and our official Reconciling-Welcoming statement, approved in 2015.

Centennial for Racial Justice

At Centennial, we believe that God’s Kingdom is a kingdom of justice, unity and strength, and that all people are made in the image of God. To love Christ is to be actively opposing all forms of racism (explicit, implicit, systemic and individual) in pursuit of reparation, reconciliation and meaningful justice. (See Article V Racial Justice of of The United Methodist Book of Discipline)
The Centennial for Racial Justice team was formed to call our entire congregation into action to illuminate and dismantle racism within the culture of our church community and the communities in which we live. (See Centennial for Racial Justice Call to Action)

Please join our Centennial for Racial Justice email list

Contact Annika McClintock to get on that email list.
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Contribute Dollars to Support Local Racial Justice Efforts:

Resources for the journey:

Resources for Responding to Systemic Racism
Staying Awake: The Gospel for Changemakers by Rev. Tyler Sit of New City UMC
How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey toward Racial Justice by Rev. Jemar Tisby
Visit this website for a wide variety of resources about dismantling racism in your own life and in the world around you:
Video: "Marginalized Wisdom: Getting Beyond the Uncomfortable Part" by Dr. Bertice Berry.