Easter Flower Order Form 2025

It is a tradition to decorate the Chancel area of Centennial’s Campuses with various spring flowers on Easter. This year the flowers will be Easter Lillies, Asiatic Lillies, Kalanchoe’s, Mums, & Rieger Begonias. The amount of each flower ordered will be determined based on the number of flowers donated. Please fill out the form below and submit your payment via or online giving site or mail or drop off a check to the church, attention to Annika McClintock. If no campus choice is made, the flower will go to the RV Campus.

Make checks payable to Centennial UMC and mark Easter Flowers in the memo line or give through the online giving portal and select "Easter Flowers" when making your payment.

You are encouraged to take your flower home after the worship service on Easter Sunday. We are not taking requests for certain flowers, at the end of the service take whichever kind of flower you would like.